Hypnotherapy Gastric Band in Rugeley, Staffordshire with Zoe Roberts

There are probably more fad diets out there than there are ways to gain weight. Books, videos and quirky techniques make numerous promises but the lack of results speak for themselves. But Hypnotherapy Gastric Band could be exactly what you're looking for…

Subconsciously you will have your Hypnotherapy Gastric Band fitted in a safe and relaxed environment whilst being totally in control. Once fitted, the Hypno-Band is there forever helping you for the rest of your life.

Unlike a diet the Hypno-Band still allows you to eat whichever foods you like, but in moderation. You will feel so much more in control! You will feel fuller so much faster whilst choosing to eat those lighter healthier options as well.

"Focus on what you want your life to look like - not just your body."
Sarah Failla

An Alternative Solution

I can provide all of the necessary tools and techniques for you to take away and make these positive changes adjusting your band whenever you need to.

The programme consists of 3 sessions and unlike many my prices are very competitive as I want to be able to reach out and help everybody, I provide a professional, fully accredited and insured service.  If you would like to find out more please contact me for your free consultation.

Booking a Hypnotherapy Gastric Band Treatment

If you would like to book a Hypnotherapy Gastric Band treatment with me in Rugeley, please call on 0780 663 7719 or send an email via my contact form.